Tim Kennerly Phone 1: 404-259-2343 (leave message); E-Mail: TKennerly@aol.com

Phone 2: 770-935-9878 (leave message after 2nd beep)


Professional Summary: Significant record of achievement and experience in commercial information technology. Well-versed in all aspects of the systems development life-cycle (SDLC), including: analyzing user business requirements, designing technical solutions, writing specifications, coding programs, testing systems, implementing systems, documenting systems, and providing support for batch, on-line, and database systems. Extensive experience solving business problems using Microsoft SQL Server (including: DTS, T-SQL, Data Replication, VBScript, Stored Procedures, Triggers, etc.), Crystal Reports, CICS telecommunication system, DB2 database system, COBOL (multiple versions), z/Architecture z/OS Mainframe, Operational Data Store(ODS), CA-7 (CA7), etc. Strong analytical skills in the development, implementation, and testing of complex software systems. Applies design methodologies, structured programming techniques, and advanced testing techniques in the development and implementation of software systems. Performance tunes systems, software, and processes. A self-starter who is able to work with little direction. Has worked in both team environments and independently. Has excellent written and verbal communication skills. Has excellent technical skills. A versatile and flexible technical resource.


Education: B.Sc., Engineering Science (Math minor).


Certification: Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP): COBOL.


Hardware: Dell Server, Compaq Server, IBM PC and compatible, IBM Mainframe/zSeries, Amdahl Mainframe (IBM Compatible), Hitachi Mainframe (IBM Compatible), HP 3000, DEC PDP-11.


Languages: T-SQL, VBScript, DB2/SQL, Enterprise COBOL, COBOL/390, COBOL/370, COBOL2, COBOL/VS, IBM Mainframe Assembler/BAL/ALC, FORTRAN, Easytrieve, Easytrieve Plus, DYL280, ADS/O, ADSO, OLQ, CLIST, and familiarity with VB.NET, ASP.NET, HTML, XML.


Software: $AVRS, ActiveX, ADO, ADSPlus (ADS+) DCL/SOLIS, Alchemist, Assist/GT, Attachmate Extra!, Blue Phoenix. BMS, CA-7 (CA7), CA-11 (CA11), CA-Dispatch, CA-Scheduler, CA-VMAN, cc:Mail, ChangeMan, CICS/TS (Trans Server), CICS/VS-Command, CICS/VS-Macro, CICSPlex Sys Mgr, CLIST, Comparex, Connect:Direct, Crystal Reports, CTRL-M, Data Transformation Services (DTS), DB2, DB2 Connect, Dell DRAC II RCF, DISOSS, DML, DML/O, DMLO, DMO, DOS/VSE, Endevor, Enterprise COBOL, EDI, Enterprise Manager, FDR, File-Aid, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Hummingbird 3270 Emulator, Host On Demand (HOD), HourGlass, IBM File Manager, IBM Fault Analyzer, IBM Debug Tool, ICCF, IDMS, IDMS/R, IMS/VS, DL/I, Info/Man, Info/Sys, Intelliterm, Intertest, IRMA/WFW, ISPF, LE/370, LE/390, Librarian, Lotus Notes, MDAC, MPE-III, MQSeries, MS Access, MS Excel, MS Internet Explorer, MS Office, MS Outlook, MS Project, MS Project Central, MS Visio, MS Word, MS-DOS, MVS/ESA, MVS/SP, MVS/XA, Netview Access, NDM, ODBC, OLAP, OLM, Omegamon, OS Utilities, OS/390, Panvalet, PDS/E, Platinum, POWER/VSE, QA/Hiperstation, Query Analyzer, Roscoe, RSD, RT-11, SDF2, SDLC, Service Now, SmartTest, SMP/E, SPUFI, MS SQL Server, Stored Procedures, Strobe, SuperSession, SYNCSORT, DFSORT, ICEMAN, Telon, Terminal Services, TOAD, TSO, TSO/ISPF, T-SQL, UDB, Unicenter Service Desk (USD), VBA, VBScript, ViaSoft, VisualAge Generator for COBOL, Visual SourceSafe (VSS), Visual Studio.NET, VM/370/SP, VM/CMS, VSAM, WebSphereMQ, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.11, Workload Manager (WLM), XML, Xpediter, XPTR, z/OS.


Industry experience: Includes banking, transportation, data service bureau, publications, health care, human resources, payroll, personnel, retail sales, product distribution, wholesale sales, insurance, financial services, computer vendor, and consulting.


Applications experience: Includes data extract/transform/load, data transformation, data replication, data scrubbing, data analysis, datamart, factoring, transportation waybilling and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), human resources, payroll, personnel, Medicare Part B on-line insurance processing, address standardization, credit card processing, travelers check inventory control and item/exception tracking processing, patient accounting technical support, quality control and assurance, applications environment management, distribution warehouse management systems, physical inventory systems, customer inquiry systems, rebate systems, general application systems management, software management, and application release control.


Support experience: Includes maintaining, enhancing, and modifying existing systems; performing problem analysis, problem determination, problem resolution, and providing on-call support. Background includes extensive systems programming and technical support experience.